About Meg

Hey! Welcome to my website devoted to birds of Beaufort NC.

LOCATION:  Beaufort, Carteret County, North Carolina


A little about me…          I am a bike-riding grandmother, driven by creative impulses, intuitively plugged into the natural world, and fascinated by birds. I’ve been drawing and painting birds of all sort for years. As soon as I got a camera with a telephoto lens, of course I turned it toward my favorite subject. My camera has become my sketch-book during my bird-by-bird encounters. Since these are spontaneous, unplanned and unpredictable, anything can happen.

This website is my exhibition space, my personal photo gallery. It displays what happens when you make room in your life every day for the things that bring you joy. Please examine the photographs I’ve taken and join me as I wander around the seaport town where I live. Or come along with me on visits to nearby marshes, islands, mudflats, and estuaries.

Please explore my website and enjoy your stay. Thanks for stopping by and stepping in.

“Creative expression, whether that means writing, dancing, bird-watching, or cooking, can give a person almost everything that he or she has been searching for: enlivenment, peace, meaning, and the incalculable wealth of time spent quietly in beauty.”  

~ Anne Lamott