Two Owl Nestlings (2022)

This is a photographic chronology of two Great Horned Owl nestlings from their first appearance sitting in the nest until their wings could carry them elsewhere. A single nestling poked its head up over the edge on March 21, 2022, three weeks after hatching …

On the following week, a second nestling joined the older one …

Here are the two nestlings in early April, showing some feather development and less down …

Nestlings are large enough to see from a distance...

Showing a downy wing
Nest mates.

By mid-April, the older nestling has reached the age of six weeks and is getting restless, standing at the edge of the nest cavity…

This close-up shows how real feathers have replaced down on the nestling’s body…

On the morning of April 14th, I discovered that the nest was empty! Both nestlings had flown during the night into a nearby cedar tree. Here’s one of them…

New Fledgling

The other one was on a limb close to Mom for reassurance …

Although they have become fledglings, it will take about four more months for them to reach adult size. To continue their story, visit… Owl Fledglings (2022). For photographs on their feeding activities while in the nest, click on…Feeding the Nestlings.

To compare these nestlings with those of previous years…

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