Feeding the Nestlings

The local pair of Great Horned Owls share the responsibilities of raising the young during the breeding season. The mother’s primary role is to incubate the eggs in the nest on a daily vigil that lasts about six weeks (See A Mother’s Vigil). Meanwhile, the father protects his territory, guards his family from threats, and provides food.

Vigilant Great Horned Owl

During the 2022 nesting season, I photographed the father owl sharing a meal with the nestlings several times. In the following shots, Dad dropped the food deep into the nest cavity…

It was crowded in the nest, so they seemed to take turns at eating. Here is Dad stepping aside…

Sleepy-time after a big meal (2021 photo)…

Here’s Dad, bringing a recently killed songbird to the nest and sharing it with the two nestlings (2020 photos)…

What a lucky coincidence that I was able to photograph this ritual during daylight hours! Hunting for food is primarily conducted in the dark of night when owls are most active. After the meal, Dad remained at the nest…

Note Dad’s powerful talons that are used to capture prey.

Dad posing with his two growing nestlings, 2022

For more on nesting Great Horned Owls, see…

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