Happy Little Bluebirds

“The bluebird carries the sky on his back” wrote Henry David Thoreau. Some say the bluebird brings good luck, others give it credit for chasing the blues away. Here in coastal North Carolina, we are fortunate to share our space at all times of year with the Eastern Bluebird, Sialia sialis. During the winter, migrating bluebirds from farther north join the locals.

Whether or not bluebirds are as “happy” as our popular culture depicts them, you would have to admit they are always alert and lively. It’s only the male who has the vibrant blue plumage with a dash of rust and white…

The female Eastern Bluebird is not quite as brightly colored, but still easy to recognize …

Female Eastern Bluebird

You never see just one solitary bluebird. There’s always another nearby, or more likely, a small flock. These sociable birds are related to the American Robin, as both species are members of the thrush family. Juveniles thrushes all have spotted breasts until their first molt, when they get their adult plumage. Here are photos of some juvenile Eastern Bluebirds from this past summer…

One curious juvenile, landed on the handlebar of my parked bicycle. He seemed quite satisfied with the perch….

It’s quite common for folks to set out commercial or home-made nesting boxes for Eastern Bluebirds, attaching them to a pole or structure about six feet above the ground. The mating pair will build their next inside the box, using weeds, twigs, and dry grass.

Watching Eastern Bluebirds feed can be very entertaining due to their rather dramatic movements. Typically, they will perch on a branch or power line above a grassy area, patiently scanning the ground below for insects.

As soon as they spot a beetle, grasshopper, caterpillar, or other such tidbit, they approach with fluttering wings, often hovering in the air to pluck their prey rather than landing. They return to the same perch and start over, repeating the process again and again. Here’s a male in winter plumage with his prize…

Do you ever watch a bird in the rain? One rainy day in August, I took cover during a thunderstorm, but managed to photograph this little guy who got wet. He puffed up on the fencepost as the rain fell on him. Not quite so bright-eyed for the moment, but maybe the temporary relief from the summer heat was enjoyable…

…And if the whole wide world stops singing
And all the stars go dark
I’ll keep a light on in my soul
Keep a bluebird in my heart

Miranda Lambert

If you’d like to see photos of other birds ..

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