Owl’s Nest, Part 2

The Great Horned Owl nestlings seemed to be waiting for the right moment to begin flying. They would scoot down the branch just beyond the nest and rest…

Rainy days were leaving them soggy…

Dad was never far away, often dozing on a nearby branch.

April 29. Finally, the owlets left the nest! They were now fledglings!

But where were they? Searching the limbs overhead, I had a huge task trying to locate the owlets among all the limbs and foliage. Fortunately, I caught sight of Dad swooping up to a branch not far from the nest. I found the two fledgling owlets close to him. What a stroke of luck!

Another storm passed through on their first day out of the nest. In the evening, post-rainstorm, the new fledglings remained in the same location, a bit water-logged.

When I checked on them the next morning, they had shifted positions.

Nesting was over now. Yet I was not finished encountering these young owls. One of them was about to stir up excitement… (see A Young Owl’s Adventure).

Speaking of owl’s nests…

There was an old person of Crowle,
Who lived in the nest of an owl;
When they screamed in the nest,
He screamed out with the rest,
That depressing old person of Crowle.
   - Edward Lear

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