Farmyard Birds

I saw a lot interesting birds on a visit to Sunny Melons Farm located a couple of miles outside town. Look at these cool geese. The owners of the farm told me they had ordered eggs on the internet, hatched them and kept them as pets for their eggs. The breed is  the Sebastopol Goose. 

Most of the Sebastopol Geese in the pen are pure white in color, but there are several dark birds too and some with a mix of colors.

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Conversation between individuals ran non-stoop. Nip-and-chase episodes were common to maintain the pecking order…

What use
is a goose
Except to quackle?
If a goose
Can’t quackle
She’s out of whackle.

Langston Hughes, Sweet and Sour Animal Book

More domesticated Birds

An adjoining pen holds a wonderful hodgepodge of domestic birds, including a variety of colorful breeds of duck.

This stunning pair of Black Swans dominate the farmyard.

The same pen holds domestic turkeys too.

Black Australorp Chickens pecked at the ground.

Photographing birds inside pens isn’t an everyday experience for me. These birds can’t fly or swim out of camera range like their untamed cousins in the wild. Domesticated or not, I always want to grab an opportunity to meet new feathered creatures and watch their behavior.

I was always a lover of soft-winged things.

Victor Hugo


Here’s a related bird post to visit:

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