Rooftop Eagle

Bald Eagle scanning the marshes from rooftop.

A camera encounter with an eagle or any bird of prey is always exciting, although rare.  I encountered this one during an early morning walk into a marsh on a recent visit to Pawley’s Island, South Carolina…

Haliaeetus leucocephalus

The Bald Eagle, probably a male, was perched atop a two-story house that overlooked the coastal marsh. He stood quite still, moving only his head. In the early morning light, I felt privileged to be in the presence of our national bird, grateful for his tolerance.

I found a likely home base for this bird and his mate, located away from the houses, atop a very tall pine tree on an undeveloped spit of land. Here’s the clue I found that indicated nesting activity …

Feathers littered over fallen pine needles.

Interesting name, “Bald” Eagle. This magnificent raptor isn’t bald at all. Not compared to another large bird that’s truly bald … the vulture. This Black Vulture was also a resident of coastal South Carolina.

The Black Vulture
That’s a bald head!

I find it much easier to visit Bald Eagles in captivity. I got these close-up shots at the Carolina Raptor Center...

Below are some close relatives of the Bald Eagle.

Golden Eagle at the Carolina Raptor Center.
Crested Caracara, photographed in Florida

Screaming the night away
With his great wing feathers,
Swooping the darkness up;
I hear the Eagle bird
Pulling the blanket back
Off from the eastern sky.

Invitation Song of the Iroquois

Here are some related bird posts to visit:

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