Steeple Sitters

High above one of several churches near the Old Burying Ground, various birds land on the cross atop the steeple and perch there for a while. They even tussle for a spot sometimes, since perching space is limited.

One of the remarkable features of this old graveyard is that there’s a church located at each corner of the block on which it sits. From the bird’s perspective, these four different crosses offer an attractive choice of rest stops with advantageous views, well above the treetops.

I’ve seen a variety of different species perch on these crosses. They are particular favorites of the Boat-Tailed Grackle, a bird that is also comfortable perched atop masts of large sailing yachts at the marinas.

Crows are another species that frequently stops there…

European Starlings also venture to the heights of a steeple cross, although they are smaller birds than the previous ones…

These past species have all been black in color. That’s not a prerequisite for a “Steeple-Sitter.” Here are a few other birds that are not black…

Northern Mockingbird
Great Horned Owl
Pair of Great Horned Owls

Red-tailed Hawk

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