Meet the Blue Grosbeak

Blue Grosbeaks, Passerina caerulea, are regular summer residents, visiting eastern North Carolina during their breeding season. As a hot-weather bird, the species migrates south as soon as it starts to cool, spending the winter months in a tropical part of Mexico or in the Caribbean.

I encounter these birds usually along a rural dirt road in the Down-East regions. Not in town. They tend to hang out in the shrubs between open croplands and woodland. The males seems to pose for the camera while sitting on an exposed perch announcing their territory …

Yes, that bill is extra-large for a small bird, but look at how it shimmers like polished silver!

You can’t help noticing the resemblance between the Blue Grosbeak and a close relative, the Northern Cardinal. Both have black coloration between the bill and the eye as well as a crest on their heads …

Female Blue Grosbeaks are not blue at all …

Juvenile grossbeaks resemble the female until they mature. I’m assuming this is a young male, since it was singing from a treetop…

Compare THE BLUE GROSBEAK WITH Other Blue-colored Birds Visit these other pages…

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